Ntchisi Forest Lodge offers you a unique way to experience one of Malawis last remaining indigenous rainforests

Your stay at Ntchisi Forest Lodge

  • Accommodation

    Ntchisi Forest Lodge offers you the best way to experience one of the last rainforests of Malawi. Choose from you a variety of different types of accommodation.

  • Food & Drinks

    Our restaurant serves you a delicious Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
    And our bar is offering a range of drinks, from cocktails and curated wines to refreshing beers and homemade juices, ensuring there's something for everyone

  • Activities

    The Commonage is located on the edge of Ntchisi Forest, the last indigenous rainforest in Malawi and one of the last in Southern Africa. Come and enjoy to pureness of nature with one of our local tour guides or take the freedom to wander around by yourself.

Booking inquiries


+265 992053383

Ntchisi Forest Lodge,